Kickstarter 2015 is live!

Mark Briggs Sherwood Pines 10.02.15 AToday we pressed the “launch” button on a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign – we’re funding the final stage of our project to introduce shock-absorbing loopwheels for wheelchairs. Within minutes, we learned we were one of the Kickstarter staff picks. Awesome!  You can check out our campaign and back us until 9pm on Monday 6 April.

This is our second Kickstarter – loopwheels first got going with Kickstarter crowdfunding in 2013, and we owe all our backers a huge debt of gratitude.

We really enjoyed making our Kickstarter film with Nico Turner, Mark Briggs and Helen Lowe. Hope you’ll enjoy watching it too! We filmed around The Lace Market and St Mary’s Church in Nottingham, and at Holme Pierrepont, home of the National Watersports Centre. The wonderful Broadway cinema were kind enough to shelter us from the rain to film the interview with Helen Lowe (and her beautiful dog Avon).
